Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Independent Study Project/ A quick update

Hello internet world! Nice to have you back. Just got back from a 2 week stay in Bangata Village near Mt. Meru doing my independent study project.  I was interviewing 30 different families on how much meat protein they eat, the livestock they raise, and livelihood decisions regarding meat protein consumption.  Answers for meat consumption ranged from less than once a month up to 12 times a month, with most families averaging about 4 times a month aka once a week.  I was surprised to find how many families viewed livestock as strict business rather than food.  Very few slaughtered animals for household consumption.  In fact, chicken was the only animal that was sometimes slaughtered.  Most participated in the milk business or poultry business and used the money for school fees, house construction, food, and restocking the livestock.  The milk business was extremely common and involved selling milk to pikipiki guys (motorcycle guys) who came to your door, bought your milk, and sold it in town.  Families usually only sell animals (often dairy cows and bulls) when they need fast cash for expenses such as school fees.
Overall I surprisingly found my study really interesting, which is good because I was staying in Bangata alone and didn’t really have anything to do.  My homestay brother Gifti went with me on my interviews and translated and I couldn’t ask for a better translator and entertainer.  It’s definitely rainy season and I slipped about 20 times a day walking from household to household because I swear the mud is made of oil.  And it killed me that no one else in Bangata would slip.  Mamas would carry nearly 30 pounds of firewood on their heads and never once slip. I don’t understand.  I loved Bangata even more this time around.  I think it’s because I was alone so maybe I connected with the people more, but I really enjoyed this stay.  There were a few struggles however: 1) cooking (I so failed at making beans so resorted to eating boiled eggs, peanut butter, and rice) and 2) my swollen arm.
Two of bug bites got infected making my arm swell like a balloon so I made the trek to Arusha and learned I had a bacterial infection and an arm full of puss, so gross. I had to make several trips back to the doctor to have my arm drained and re-drained and then dressed and redressed.  Good news is right now it is no longer swollen and barely hurts anymore.  I looked at it for the first time recently and was surprised to find a hole in my arm so I’m going to the doc regularly to have them clean and bandage it.  Nasty, but I guess it could always be worse.  Plus going to the doc gave me an excuse to stop at my favorite chai maziwa/ maandazi bench (two ladies that sell hot milk tea and donuts on a bench) and to see the girls staying in Arusha…which brings me to the Arusha Malibu Mansion.
It’s beautiful. It’s huge. It’s so clean. There’s a fridge. There’s two balconies. There’s hot water. There’s internet. There’s friends.  The beds are huge. I think I almost passed out the first time seeing it.
Right now I’m moved into the mansion, typing up my study project, and couldn’t be happier.  So happy to be back with rafikis, and the rest of the students start coming back today! 
I honestly still feel likes it January and can’t fathom that this trip is nearing the end.  But I’m so ready to see friends and fam again. Miss you guys! 

swollen arm! woohoo!

home sweet home in Bangata

a local butcher

my stove where the cooking magic did not happen

Malibu mansion. just 1 of the many rooms

our baby

more Malibu Mansion


  1. LIL GIRL,

    That sweet set up is better than the Barbie Malibu Mansion you had when you were 6 years old! (and you know what they say about Barbie, "that bitch has everything!") Just avoid any Kens that come your way and you'll be fine! Thanks for NOT including a photo of the hole in your arm. The sausage fingers were hard enough to see. Stay safe, you are precious to me! Love you, Mom/Kwi

  2. Very cool Corey! Everyone is so excited for your return home. I heard you were going ahead with the climb...which sounds great. Enjoy, stay safe and have a blast! Love you lots! Troll
